Management of the forestry expert


Properly managing a wooded area means finding the right balance for each owner between these 3 functions:

- PRODUCTION (to obtain income from its wooded areas)
- LEISURE, ACCREDITATION (model the wooded area in your image)
- CYNEGETIC (development of hunting territory)


Smartly managing a wooded area means taking advantage of the various legislative provisions that the owners can benefit from.

- Tax exemptions on forest revenues
- Tax exemptions on reforestation plots
- Reduction of inheritance tax

Sustainably managing a wooded area means ensuring that it does not depreciate over time.

Ecocertification, NATURA 2000, the hurricane damage of December 1999, carbon sinks, sustainable management, ecomaterial wood, wood-energy, amenities. On these subjects we are constantly training and the CNIEFEB (of which we are members) participates in these debates at national and European level.

The Profession of Forestry Expert

He is the generalist of the forest ecosystem, from the seed to the tree. Its competence is officially recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and its peers.
He's on the ground. It is independent of the other players in the wood industry and is bound by professional secrecy. He is at the service of all.

Our missions:

- Providing technical, administrative, legal, economic and tax advice.
- Develop management plans specific to each wooded area and impact studies.
- Estimating, auditing and appraising forest products, pleasure trees.
- To be the interlocutor with the administrations.
- Support decisions during a research or sale of forests.
- Organize the marketing of timber.
- Participating, designing or supervising works or undertakings, whether delegated or not, of hydraulic and landscape development.
- Manage wood, regeneration, natural or artificial, to harvest trees.
- Supervise and supervise salaried staff or contractors.



CEGEB forestry continues, opportunistic and pragmatic



- Jean-Marc PENEAU - CEGEB - Forestry Expert -